Sunday, September 11, 2011


I've always been interested in cells and the way it functions. However, after reading an excerpt from Bill Bryson's book about cells, I find cells to be even more startling and amazing. It surprises me how the cells in our body can perform millions of tasks without us being conscious of it or to instruct them what to do. I also think that they are very intricate and complex beyond human's understanding and I believe that there are much more yet to be discovered about cells. Our body is made up of BILLIONS of cells which to me, is quite astonishing. These billions of cells are like tiny factories or metropolis similar to what Bryson wrote that,
"It is like a refinery in that it is devoted to chemical activity on a grand scale, and like a metropolis in that it is crowded and busy and filled with interactions that seem confused and random but clearly have some system to them."
I think it is even more surprising about how they even figured about cells in the first place since they are very small. I do have many questions about the cells in our body, but it could possibly be answered as we go through the course. The excerpt makes me feel thankful of the cells that are devoted for each of their specific, intensive tasks in order for our well-being. It is almost like these cells are our closest friends that are willing to unhesitatingly die for us.

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